Christian Addiction Treatment
For those struggling with addiction, nothing has proven a faster and more efficient way of ending addiction than inpatient addiction treatment. This form of treating addiction, also known as residential rehabilitation, is statistically the most likely treatment to prevent relapses and promote recovery. What many people do not know about rehab, however, is that it comes in many different varieties. Because people commit to living in rehab for long durations of time, they desire a rehab that suits their personality, beliefs and lifestyle. For Christians, that means a Christian rehab.
Any Christian who is struggling with addiction or knows a Christian who is struggling with addiction should know that Christian rehab is an option. In fact, the addiction treatment industry was founded by Christian organizations such as Alcoholics Anonymous. The Christian value system of meeting life courageously with Christ at your side instead of escaping life through addiction has been inspiring recovery for generations. Christian rehabs are available in large numbers today throughout North America and provide addiction treatment for Christians that incorporates their faith into the message of recovery.
Addiction in the Christian community is a hard subject to approach. Many churches do not address the subject at all but instead sweep it under the rug. The number of people in the church who are addicted is a shocking statistic to those who have no awareness of the matter. In the church, it is still a common method of addressing addiction to simply call it sinful nature and dismiss it along with all other sin. There is an awareness lacking within the church about what addiction is, what characteristics of disease it possesses, how it is largely a neurological and biological condition and how it needs to be treated.
At a Christian rehabilitation center, however, Christian addict’s will not be met with these misunderstandings. Christian rehabs are staffed by people with a psychological or social services background who are educated about the various forms of addiction. Many were addicts themselves at one point and can provide invaluable information on turning to God’s promises to alleviate the pain and frustration of depression and mental disorder.